Senior Team Coordinator and Project Officer


One of my fondest memories from school was visiting Godrej mangroves as a nature club activity and
spotting a striped tiger butterfly on my bag. It was the most wonderful creature I have ever seen. From being
a nerd about science and nature to leading a nature club in high school, to studying and researching how to
make textile dyes more sustainable for my college final year project, to hosting a TED Circle to bring the
discussion of transitioning away from fossil fuels to my institute, I’ve been committed to caring about
Earth and making sustainability everyone’s reality. I always strive to lead by example, pushing boundaries to
create the best versions of everything I touch.

The word "sustainability" gives me hope on the days my heart becomes anxious for us facing the adversities of
climate change. After my undergraduate degree in textile engineering at the Institute of Chemical
Technology, I learned more about the ESG and sustainability space by developing skill-based educational
courses at an emerging startup that addressed the gap in knowledge of green skills. I believe saving the world
from the adversities of climate change, and the shift toward a just and regenerative future needs an army of
professionals to drive this change. One of the highlights of my time working there was working and building a
workshop that helped young professionals pivot into the world of ESG and sustainability with a collaborative
approach. This helped me better understand the perspective of the gap in skills and eventually make the path
accessible for professionals to launch their careers.

At Forum, I'm thrilled to be part of the team that pushes sustainability forward with the aim of bringing
fairness to people and the environment. My goal is to grow my impact over time, getting more involved in
driving change and lending support to those who are already making a difference.

My dream project

Driving people towards a sustainable future seems straightforward - who wouldn't want to protect the
environment, right? But when asked for behavioural changes like switching to paper straws, it would get us all
riled up when it turns soggy while sipping our iced coffees. So, fostering effective collaboration, promoting behavioural and systematic change among diverse stakeholders, and championing meaningful innovations that aim to create a just, more sustainable world for all is something I would love to work on.

What floats my boat outside work?

I enjoy exploring different cultures, cooking spicy food, spoken poetry, Hindi/Urdu poems, thrifting and upcycling
clothes, and putting together a cool outfit. Since I am based in Mumbai, my favourite activities are unwinding by
the sea, watching the waves roll in, and indulging in some very spicy pani puri that never fails to bring tears to
my eyes—in the best way possible, of course!
