School of System Change

We know that growing a global community of change agents is our best chance to accelerate a transition to a sustainable future. Want to know more?

Lucía Oliva Hennelly

Community Development Manager, Climate Advocacy Lab
Founder/Facilitative Director, Reconstitute Initiative

Lucía Oliva Hennelly, M.S., is an interdisciplinary problem-solver and collaboration catalyst, passionate about creating solutions at the intersections of climate change and social justice. As a climate advocacy professional, Lucía’s expertise is in cultivating authentic, lasting collaborations that enable us to meet the demands the ecological crisis places on us individually and collectively. 

Lucía trained at Stanford University in interdisciplinary environmental science and policy. She has worked on campaigns, policy, and advocacy alongside some of the country’s foremost organisers and activists with President Obama’s 2008 election campaign, Center for Community Change, New Organising Institute, the Fair Immigration Reform Movement, and the Ear to the Ground Project. Lucía currently works at the Climate Advocacy Lab and is also developing the Reconstitute Initiative, a transformative leadership development programme for rising climate justice leaders.

Lucía is a certified Integral Facilitator and is certified in Transformative Leadership. In 2015, she was selected to be an Aspen Ideas Scholar, and in 2017 she was a recipient of the Spiritual Ecology Fellowship.

“I'm most excited by what I see day-to-day training leaders in the U.S. climate movement: the potential we all hold to meet the demands these times are making on us in a way that adds more grace, dignity, and vitality to the world.”